father with his cheerful baby

Encouraging Baby Talk

From 6 months your baby will be babbling, chuckling and making other happy noises, like squealing and varying the pitch in their voice. As well as giggling and laughing when having fun, they will use the tone of their voice to tell you when they are unhappy or they have had enough of the game. If they are not babbling by at least 9 months, or if they suddenly stop babbling, seek professional advice as this could be an early sign of deafness.

Singing, nursery rhymes and storytelling are an important way to encourage your baby’s language development.

Singing, nursery rhymes and storytelling are an important way to encourage your baby’s language development. Also talk to them about all the things that are happening in a normal conversational way, while making eye contact with your baby. Try to avoid having the radio or television on constantly, as that will limit the opportunity for you and baby to listen and talk to each other and interact together.

Young father playing with his daughter inside with toys

Talking tips

  • When you are talking to baby, call them by their name.
  • Use simple words when talking to them about everyday activities.
  • As you prepare meals, or do the housework, tell baby what you’re doing.
  • If you leave the room while they’re playing, keep talking to them from the other room, so they know where you are, and they can crawl to you.
  • Make sure you leave some spaces in the ‘conversation’ to encourage them to respond to you, so they start to understand the concept of taking turns when talking to someone.
  • When baby makes a noise, try repeating that noise back to them, then pause and look at baby expectantly, waiting for them to respond.

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