Preschool student boy with glasses in classroom with friends

Your Pre-Schooler's Day

Your pre-schooler is curious, active and loves challenging you with their independence, trying to do everything themselves. By 3 years they are speaking clearly enough to be understood by people other than your family. They may start constantly asking "Why?" By 5 years or earlier, they will have sufficient language to talk about everyday activities.

Your child is changing and growing up, and is generally more independent and co-operative – well, most of the time. They are very energetic and learning many new skills, and can express themselves with their ever increasing command of the language.

They love stories and will often ask questions about things in the book. They often like you reading the same stories over and over again. They are lots of fun to be with, so enjoy some time together each day, as it won’t be long before they head off to ‘big school.’

They can now manage without a day sleep, but it is still a good idea to ensure they have a rest time after lunch

They can now dress and undress themselves and want to choose what they wear, which often is not what you want them to wear. Their body awareness and eye-to-hand co-ordination has also improved, and they constantly need new experiences, people and objects to feed this phase of their development.

Their ability to join in with other children and begin friendships becomes easier as their confidence matures – they start to understand sharing and turn taking in group settings.

Preschool teacher and children playing with various colorful wooden shapes

Daily routine

Pre-schoolers still need to be offered three nutritious meals a day, and where possible share mealtimes with the rest of the family. They like to help, so when you have the opportunity, get them involved in the kitchen and shopping for foods.

They can now manage without a day sleep, but it is still a good idea to ensure they have a rest time after lunch. At night, after dinner and bath time, allow the house to slow down, turn off the television, and insist on quiet play and activities for about half an hour before bedtime. They will still need lots of sleep (10-11 hours).

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