Children holding hands and going home from school

Starting School - Tips for Your Child's First Day at School

The start of school life is a big step for most children and does take some adjustment for them and the parents. It will seem like it was just yesterday they were so dependent on you for everything, and now they are more confident and independent. In this stage of their life, your child will develop and learn many new skills, including social skills, in an education system alongside other children. Try to avoid too many after school activities during the first year as they will be exhausted just adjusting to the school routine.

Take a little time at the end of each day to listen to your child, talk about their day, and admire what they bring home

Tips for school

  • Mark with a pen or label all items of clothing, lunch boxes, etc.
  • Try to make schoolbags and lunch boxes distinctive in some way, as they will need to be able to recognise them.
  • Be cheerful when you leave them each morning and don’t linger too long.
  • Be on time when taking them to school and picking them up – they get upset if you are late.
  • Take a little time at the end of each day to listen to your child, talk about their day, and admire what they bring home.
  • Get involved in school activities if you can.
  • Children are often tired after school, especially in the first few months, so dinner should be early. Try to prepare a meal the night before if you are working.
  • Bedtime should be 7– 7.30 pm.
Mother leads daughter to first day of school

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