
Children do get headaches. In fact, up to 50 per cent of 7-year-olds have experienced at least one headache. In younger children these may be associated with an illness or a viral infection, while in older children, it could be related to over-excitement, tension, stress or problems with their vision.1
What to do if they happen at home:
For a mild headache, lay the child down in a quiet darkened room with a cool towel or sponge on their forehead, and encourage them to eat or drink something. If the headache persists, give an appropriate analgesic for temporary relief, and watch them closely.2
WARNING: Some headaches could be the sign of something more serious. If your child has a severe or recurrent headache, or complains of a headache along with a fever, feeling unwell, being drowsy, a stiff neck or vomiting — contact your doctor or local hospital immediately.
Related links
- http://www.gosh.nhs.uk/health-professionals/clinical-guidelines/headache/
- http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/headaches/Pages/Headachesinchildren.aspx